Adam here. I was reminded today of one of the funniest things I ever did, and I was inspired to make a blog post out of it. Back in my Singles Branch days, my best friend Michelle and I were sitting in Sunday School, kind of paying attention to the lesson. Michelle suggested that we play a game that she had played with her sisters in church when she was younger. She folded a paper in half and explained that the would draw half of a face, mark where the eyes, nose, and mouth were, and then the other person would draw the other half of the face without seeing what the first half looked like because it was hidden by the fold. Then they would unfold the paper and see what the face looked like.
So Michelle folded a paper in half, drew half of a face on the left side of the paper, and marked where the eyes, nose, and mouth were. She handed it to me, blank side up, and I drew half of a face, too. Struggling to keep a straight face, I handed the paper back to her. I wish I had kept the actual paper to scan and show you, but here is a close approximation of what she saw when she unfolded the paper:

We were both red-faced and straining with the effort of not laughing out loud in the back of the Sunday School class. Clearly, the hours I spend in 6th grade practicing how to sketch a Ninja Turtle paid off after all.
LOL, I think I would have to leave Sunday school if . That is too funny. I never could draw a ninja turtle that well.
Ah, it was good times.
HOW DID I MISS THIS POST????!?! I just peed my pants while reading this because I totally remember when we did this. Ahhh, we were so hilarious and irreverent and artistcally brilliant that day. too funny. This has earned a place in my Top 3 Favorite Adam and Lisa blog posts of all time.
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