Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ahhh, parenting...

Being the parent of a 2-year-old, I've had many opportunities to try and teach Josh what behaviors are correct and which ones are not so appropriate. Whichever discipline methods you choose, you hope you are successful in teaching correct behaviors and not just scarring your kids emotionally for life.

Recently I've had occasion to reflect on this part of being a parent, and I was overcome with awe and responsibility as I thought about the trust Heavenly Father puts in us when He sends His spirit children to us. It is amazing to me that He trusts His children with people (us) who have so little knowledge and experience compared to Him. He knows full well that we are just learning, too, and will make mistakes with His children, but still He created His plan so that we all learn together, parents and children.

I hope this makes sense. Sometimes it's hard for me to put feelings into words. I just know that I want to be a better parent, especially with another child coming soon, and I pray for guidance from my Father in Heaven that I can correctly teach His children that He has entrusted to me so that they can grow up to be responsible and well-balanced people.

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