Monday, June 21, 2010

5 months old!

Little Lucy turned 5 months old about a weeks ago. I know I sound like a broken record, but she is just the best baby ever! This past month she has gotten stronger and has figured out how to roll back over from her front to her back. As I'm sure you recall from my last post about Lucy, she was just barely rolling over from her back to her front. Now, if she's in the mood, she can roll back to front, front to back, and so forth and get to where she wants to go. Sometimes, though, she rolls into the entertainment center and bonks her head, so we gotta be careful. When she's on her tummy, she also likes to bend her knees and then push with her feet on the carpet and try to propel herself forward a bit.

She also tried some rice cereal for the first time this past month.

She likes it! I give it to her once a day, when I remember. I'm sure she would love to eat it more, but it's not part of my routine yet, and I sometimes forget that it's an option.

She loves to play, and this past month we got out the Jumperoo to see if she was big enough for it yet. She likes to sit in it and play with the toys around the edge, but she doesn't really bounce in it very much. Her feet DO touch the floor, though. Just barely. Sometimes, she just wears herself out when she plays and can't keep her eyes open any longer.

She is just so darn cute. It is a joy to have her in our family!

1 comment:

Tim and Angie said...

Those are such cute pictures!!! I especially love the ones of her falling asleep while playing. She looks like a fun baby.