Tuesday, July 20, 2010

6 months old!

Our Baby Girl turned 6 months old last week. That is crazy talk! I can't believe how quickly this past 6 months have flown by. This past month Lucy's bottom front teeth came in, and she just loves to use them as she pursues her new favorite hobby: chewing on anything she can get her little hands on. Her other big accomplishment of the month is sitting up on her own. When we were in Utah, she would sit up for a couple seconds and she got stronger and stronger until she can now sit up on her own for quite a while. She has such a cute, easy-going personality. When she's not eating or sleeping, she loves to sit on the floor and play with her toys, or watch Josh play around her. She is getting better at rolling, too, and has her own way of getting across a room to reach what ever catches her attention.

It's official, she's the cutest Baby Girl in the world!

I think Josh is her favorite person right now. She loves to watch him, and he can still make her laugh harder than anyone else can. He loves her, too, and is very concerned whenever she cries. I'm excited to see how they play together when she gets a little older.

We love having her in our family!


Anika and Sean said...

Oh my gosh! You HAVE to go pinch her cheeks for me. I love that picture of the super cheesy smile. So gorgeous!

the sheldons said...

I absolutely LOVE that picture of Lucy with her huuuuge smile. That deserves to be blown up to life size and framed.