Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Have No Idea What Happened


I was blending up some baby food, everything was blended up nicely, I was moving to put the spatula down and get some containers, and out of the blue, food was being thrown everywhere.

I just stood there for a full minute, staring, dumbfounded, at the scene now before me. My thoughts started racing, including but not limited to: are you serious?...all that food wasted...what the aitch just happened?...are you kidding me??...how am I going to clean all this up?...argh...blergh...but...but...WHAT???

It was on the ceiling.

It was on the floor. Note the spatula that flew across the room and landed on the floor.

It was on the counters and cupboards.

It was on me.

I managed to pull myself out of my disbelief and get to work cleaning it up. Well, most of it. There's still some food stuck on the ceiling. I'll tackle that tomorrow. There was also some food left in the blender, so I was able to salvage a little bit of the baby food. Peas, carrots and spinach. Mmmmm. Lucy had it tonight for dinner and she loved it. So all in all, a successful afternoon :)

At least that's what I keep telling myself. Maybe I'll believe it tomorrow.


Kirsten said...

MUCH worse than corn syrup! Ugh. :(

Christina said...

That totally sucks!!!! So sorry!