Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We went to a pumpkin patch yesterday for our playgroup activity. When we first got there , we were able to take a short hay ride, and then the rest of the time was spent eating lunch and wandering around the pumpkin patch. Josh had fun dragging the little wagon around and running around with his little friends. (When we got there I realized my camera was dead, so a big thank you to my friend Melanie for letting me borrow her camera!)

Josh liked playing with the hay.

This is some pretty fun stuff!

Here, Baby Sister, have some hay.

Lucy decides hay is pretty tasty.

How about a flower in your face?

Alright, time to go find a pumpkin.

Oh, here's a good one!

OK, off to find more.

Hmmmm, which one should I get next?

Ooooo, here's one for Baby Lucy.

OK, these look good.

Baby Girl thinks the pumpkins are pretty cool, too.

It turned out to be a beautiful day to run around the pumpkin patch. I'm so glad we got to go!

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