Lucy turned 2 months old last weekend. Her two-month check up was today, and she passed with flying colors. She
weighs 11lbs, 11oz now and is 22.5 inches long. She also had to get her first round of shots today, and she was NOT a fan. (But really, who is?) She had some sore legs this afternoon, but after a dose of infant Tylenol, she calmed down. She is generally such a happy, smiley baby. She is starting to make cooing sounds and talk to us, which is adorable. She is getting stronger and stronger everyday and is getting much better at holding her head steady. She eats great and sleeps for 6-8 hours at night, which is WONDERFUL! Josh has really started to warm up to her and calls her Baby. Never Lucy, just Baby. He looks for her when we get up in the morning, and if she is crying, he has a concerned sound to his voice as he says, "Ba-by." We love her so much and are so glad she can be part of our family.
(BTW, there are a ton more pictures in our Picasa web album. Clicky here to see all the cuteness.)
She's so cute! I can't believe she's 2 months already. I thought you had her like...last week. Thanks for the tip on the new game. I love finding new great games!
Those two months have gone super duper fast. She is so adorable. Thanks for always letting me cuddle her!
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