Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My favorite kind of day

One of the things I miss the most since we moved to Texas last year is being able to go to my parents' house and hang out with them and my brother and his family. I love relaxing and watching the kids play with each other and with Grandma and Grandpa. It just makes me happy. This past Sunday, we all went to church with my parents, then headed back to their house to take a family picture and spend the rest of the day together. It may not seem like such a big deal, but I really miss it.

Our Family

My brother Kevin and Lucy

Taylor and Lucy

Ryan and Josh

Everyone loves to help Grandma in the kitchen.

Brandie, Taylor and Brooklynn with Lucy.

The boys playing with toys.

My dad with his oldest and youngest grandchild.


Christina said...

I love the new family picture on your header- it's beautiful!

I completely agree with you- as much as I miss Seattle, what I really miss are the family bbq's, Birthday parties, etc. Every week when I call home it breaks my heart when I hear my family all together having dinner in the background- I wish so desparately that we could all be together, but that's not in the cards for me right now. Thank goodness for airplanes and modern technology so we can still be connected even though we are so far away!

lisapants said...

I agree, it would be so much harder to be far away from family if there wasn't the internet and cell phones and email and stuff.