Thursday, March 19, 2009

Things to think about...'s the deal. Adam has been asked to relocate to San Antonio, TX. There have been rumors of this happening for a couple years, and now it is a reality. He will do the same job with the same department with the same people, just in the company's new headquarters building in San Antonio. Tesoro will pay for our moving expenses plus some more for incidental moving expenses (like driving down to Texas). We have until May 6th to decide what we're going to do.

If we go, Adam has to start in Texas on July 1st.

If we don't go, Adam's job here ends on Sept 1st, with a severance package.

As hard as it is to think about moving away from family, the more we think about going to San Antonio, the more we like it. The biggest bonus is that Adam would still have a job (YAY!) and there would be more opportunities for him to get into the IT department at the corporate office. As much as we don't want to leave Washington, it is really scary to think about not having a job, or trying to find one in this economic climate. So, we are leaning more and more towards going to San Antonio. Our biggest obstacle now is figuring out what to do with our house. We are hoping to find good renters. Does anybody know anyone who is looking for a house in the Tacoma area?


Christina said...

I always hate these big life altering decisions! I am sure you are praying about it and thinking long and hard about everything, and in the end it will be the right decision. The house situation is a hard one- I don't envy you that. Good luck!!!

AdamOndi said...

I sometimes hate them, too, but I am not hating this one so much. Sure, it will be hard to leave family, and we still aren't sure what is going to happen with the house, but the more we think about going to San Antonio, the better we feel about it. Things seem to be lining up to make the whole thing easier as we go along. So it feels a little like we are being prompted that this is the right thing to do.

The truth of the matter is that you can look at these sorts of things like a huge inconvenience and annoyance, or you can look at them like an adventure. We are leaning much more toward adventure than annoyance.

Jess said...

Wow, how exciting! I've heard lots of good things about San Antonio. Steven has applied for a job there, but we haven't heard anything yet. He's also applied for one up in Moses Lake, so it'll be sad if you guys aren't there in WA anymore. What a fun adventure though!

AdamOndi said...

Yeah, I know. I was really encouraging Steven to go after that job at Fort Lewis so that you guys would be really close to us.

Our best friends Dean and Michelle are getting close to moving back up to Seattle after going to school in Iowa, and now we are probably going to be the ones who are a couple thousand miles away. That part sucks, but we will just have to deal with that, I guess.

Christina said...

What a great attitude!!! You are right- it will definitely be an exciting change- who would have thought you would end up there? New places are always fun and exciting, so if you decide to go, I am sure you will love it!

Steven said...

I've heard great things about San Antonio. I would have thought that J. Jeffery would have completely turned you off from ever thinking about living in Texas. But then again he was from Houston and that is different than San Antonio.

Tim and Angie said...

Wow, Texas! My cousin moved down there 2 years ago and she LOVES it! They go to the pool, have a garden, and play outside year round. Also she got a HUGE house for 150,000. We've thought about moving there a few times. Good luck with that decision, it's tought to move away from family. I wish you the best in whatever you decide! Oh, I think Rushelle Dickson (she has a different last name now, but I don't know it) lives there with her family.