Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Improving By Leaps and Bounds

There is some really good news on the Joshua front tonight. When Lisa posted her last entry, Joshua had spent most of the day being all worn out and not that interested in food or drink. Well, shortly after her post, Joshua had another nap and cuddled a little bit. And then he showed a completely different attitude about eating. He wanted a bunch of yogurt, and then the rest of the cheese and meat that he didn't eat for lunch. When he had finished that, he clearly wanted more, but we didn't have any more to give him. Luckily, it was only going to be about an hour until his dinner was scheduled to arrive. When it did, Joshua was very happy to eat it, and did it sitting in bed and using the utensils himself.

He continued to show rapid improvement, and was acting like his normal happy, playful, cute self. He has started talking to us and to the nurses (he had been very reluctant to speak at all while he was feeling so sick). He wanted to play with his cars, and he drank a little more than a pint of milk after not wanting to drink anything for the last few days.

Obviously, we are very happy about this. His vitals are consistently good and his lungs are sounding better. He is coughing up all the mucus that caused all of these problems in the first place.

We were told that he might be able to go home tomorrow if he continues to improve this rapidly overnight. After seeing how he was acting like himself again this evening, I am very hopeful that the doctors will let us take him home tomorrow. We will see, but I think tomorrow is a very good possibility.

Thank you everyone for keeping Joshua in your prayers. I know they have helped both him and us.

1 comment:

Christina said...

I am so glad he is doing better- do they think he will have any lasting effects? I hope you get to go home today!! I told Ben that I hope we never have to spend the night in a Children's Hospital, but if something were to happen, I sure am glad we have them!!!